[ardour-users] [PlanetCCRMA] export mp3 from audacity

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Thu Nov 24 14:33:00 PST 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 17:59 -0800, 7lb9oz Productions wrote:
>>Hello all, I am trying to use audacity to create an mp3 file, but when
>>I try to do the export, audacity informs me that it uses the lame
>>codec and directs me to a dialog to browse for this file.  It is
>>called something like, lamemp3.so, and I dont have it.
>>Does anyone know how to make mp3 files with audacity?  Why does it not
>>install this codec automatically if it is going to need it
>I think you can find lame in the freshrpms repository...
yup... that's where i got it.
mind you, i am going to use ogg for all the public postings on my site, 
once i get some audio ready.  :-)

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