[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [ardour-users] export mp3 from audacity
Kevin Paul
kcpaul at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 13:30:29 PST 2005
Prominently listed on the Audacity website
(http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) is a link to the LAME MP3 encoder
for OSX and Win installs. If you're running linux I believe you just
need to find and install the lame package. I can't say for certain,
being a Mac guy. As I recall, it's not installed with the app due to
licensing issues. Hope that helps.
On 11/23/05, 7lb9oz Productions <viipoundproductions at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello all, I am trying to use audacity to create an mp3 file, but when I try
> to do the export, audacity informs me that it uses the lame codec and
> directs me to a dialog to browse for this file. It is called something
> like, lamemp3.so, and I dont have it.
> Does anyone know how to make mp3 files with audacity? Why does it not
> install this codec automatically if it is going to need it?
> Thanks in advance
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