[PlanetCCRMA] Re: MAudio - the same wav in Windows and Linux sound different

mArukqs marukas at hardcore.lt
Tue Nov 22 08:01:02 PST 2005

More info:

Try to install commercial oss and start the oss mixer from terminal:


You will hear the difference between the free alsa driver and commercial
oss driver from www.opensound.com/linux.html

Please use the records you made and not those CD and mp3 made in
commercial studios.


> I always had a bad feeling that the records made in Linux sound different
> in Windows.
> Here are some facts about M-Audio:
> 1) there is a setting Deemphasis in alsamixer.
> In Linux it's default value is off.
> This setting is even not mentioned in envy24control.
> It has HEAVY IMPACT on higher frequencies in the recordings.
> Try to do this:
> a) open terminal
> b) start alsamixer (or amixer)
> c) find the setting Deemphasis
> d) if your M-Audio card is running on 44100 - turn this setting to 44,1kHz
> and hear the difference
> /* Joke: e) delete all the records you mastered with your M-Audio card
> before */
> Try to change this setting to various values - you will hear the BIG
> difference. It is very sad that recording which were sounding so bright in
> Linux on other audio systems sound dull, sharp and ugly :/
> It is no fun at all as I was recording with M-Audio card for a few months
> - it is better to use SoundBlaster Audigy while mastering as it has better
> drivers :/
> 2) the +3db, consumer and -10db settings both in envy24control and alsa
> mixers are missing.
> In OSS they sound different than just moving Analog volume sliders in
> envy24control:
> I tried to install OSS driver - ossxmix allows to control this mixer
> setting. And I am 90% sure that sounds, produced via OSS drivers provide
> better dynamic too.
> The first problem is very significant as it has impact on all the
> recordings - I am still in shock :/
> Dear MAudio users - I cannot trust my soundcard anymore, so I am waiting
> for your experiences, especially with Deemphasis setting.
> mArukqs
> P.S. tests were done in pro and semi pro quality hardware. Mastered in pro
> level studios records on MAudio cards sound okay, but these bugs does not
> allow to do mastering on MAudio cards.
> Software used in testing: xmms, winamp, audacity for linux, audacity for
> windows, ardour, qjackctl, latest commercial oss drivers, maudio panel for
> windows

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