[PlanetCCRMA] kernel config problems

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 17 09:59:50 PST 2005

[Sorry for the delay in answering, I was away on a trip]

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 14:09 +1000, Michael Karban wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a very new panetccrma user, however I've been using linux for 
> years.  Just came over from demudi.
> So my problem is as such...
> I'm trying to get my wacom intuos3 working.  However certain usb code in 
> the kernel grabs the tablet before the wacom module can.
> The wacom package has replacements for these modules.
> This is where things start getting tricky.
> In the supplied ccrma kernel ( the required usb/mouse modules 
> are built in.  So no rebuilding the modules.  Damn.   So I go to 
> recompile the kernel.
> I've come across a lot of things that have confused me, so I'm going 
> explain what I did, and for my actual questions, I'll just number them.
> First things first... My system.
> Nothing special here, athlon 2800+ 1 gig ram, nvidia gfx, onboard 
> nforce2 sound, and of course, my tablet... ;)
> I installed FC3 from the cd's, then set up apt as per ccrma docs.
> First time working with src.rpm... ugh...  ok, I'm sure thier fine and 
> all, I just need to learn them...
> Trying to find the src.rpm for the kernel source wasn't easy.  Couldn't 
> find any reference to the source (other than it was available) on the 
> website.  Eventually found a link on in this lists archive and 
> downloaded it from there.  I would have preferred a repo.

Yes, sorry about that, I don't seem to find the time to fix this. 

> 1. What do I need to put in my apt/sources lists to download src from ccrma?
> Ok, so I've got the source, and I've worked out how to rebuild it!!  
> With the exact same config as before... grrr arg damnit...
> Now from what I've read the process is to run the spec files prep 
> (rpmbuild -bp etc...) then do my kernel configure, then build it (-bc 
> flag).  However when doing the build, it runs the prep again, clobering 
> my new config.
> 2.  Is the prep being run while using the -bc flag improper behaviour?
>     What am I doing wrong here?

Let's see, the correct "all rpm" process would be to modify the kernel
configurations you want to change, then rebuild from scratch. For that I
would first unpack and prep the kernel:
  rpmbuild -bp kernel.spec
That will leave a "ready to compile" tree at:
You will find the configuration files there, in the "configs/"
directory, and/or in the sources directory at:
The ones being used would be, I think, the four ones ending
in .ccrma.config. 

You could cd to the kernel tree, copy the appropriate configuration
to .config and run make xconfig or whatever to change your
configuration, then copy the .config that was changed to the sources
directory (/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/) so it is picked up by the next
rebuild of the kernel you do ("rpmbuild -bb kernel*.spec"). 

> So forget trying to get a nice shiny rpm for my customer kernel... I've 
> got the patched source and .config and I'm doing it manual....
> It compiles nicely, boots... But it doesn't have the module I need.
> After experimenting a little I find that what is usually code can be 
> compiled into a module is being forced into the kernel... I can't even 
> turn it off completely.  make menuconfig/xconfig just simply don't let 
> me select it.
> I tried manually editing the .config.
> Changing:
> to
> It reverts my change during the build... wtf?

Most probably something else needs that module as a built in and then
the make oldconfig reverts your change. You should run (as I state
above) make xconfig to make the changes you need. 

> 3.  What is different about the ccrma sources that I can't compile 
> MOUSEDEV as a module?

I don't know. I try to follow the Fedora kernel options as much as
possible. Probably there's nothing different, just that you need to set
some other option to allow for this. 

> So at this point I am stumped.
> 4. Is there an easier way to do this that I missed somehow? ;)
> Other than that I'm quite enjoying planetccrma.
> Big thanks to the devs, everything else on this system is great so far.

Glad to hear that otherwise you are doing fine. 

-- Fernando

> PS.  One other question....
> Anyone got any good links on setting up fc3 repos for apt?
> I've got a couple working as per my googling, however I'm still having 
> to drag out yum here and there to get certain things...

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