[PlanetCCRMA] not to get all sappy or anything, but...

Peter Lutek peter at peterlutek.com
Thu Nov 10 14:05:22 PST 2005

7lb9oz Productions wrote:

>If any of you have read any of my posts, then you know
>that it has been a (small) challenge to make the
>switch from Windows/Cubase to Linux/Ardour, but I have
>never looked back simply because of you people and
>these lists.  
we've all been through it. we've all had the help you've experienced, 
somewhere along the way. it's a community -- and, for me, that was 
probably the single most important element in my decision to switch to 
linux. of course it doesn't hurt that the end result, in terms of a 
working DAW, is the most appropriate solution for my work that i have 
ever had.


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