[PlanetCCRMA] 3 installation questions

7lb9oz Productions viipoundproductions at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 5 18:12:01 PST 2005

Hello all, I think that I have got my monitor issues worked out to the point where it is just down to trial and error getting it the way I want it.  (there is still one more question there, but I will have to wait untill I am at home to ask it).  Now I just have 3 little questions to ask, mainly to clear up some confusion on my part.
1) I installed Fedora Core 3 with the default options, and all is fine except for a small issue I have with the use of LVM.  The installer creates for me a LVM group on my HD, and then within that creates ext3 partitions for / and /boot, plus swapspace.  This appears to be no problem, except that now in windows I can see that LVM group as drive E:.  I am thinking that I will use the same partition scheme that Fedora is installing with, just excluding the use of LVM so that the linux partitions are not seen in windows.  Is there any reason to use, or to not use LVM in the way that the Fedora Core installer wants to?  Should I just let it do what it wants to do and live with it showing up in windows?  Will it make any difference if I just create my own / and /boot as ext3 without using LVM?
2) When I installed Fedora, I mounted my audio HD, (internal, secondary master), as /media/audio, and it got formatted ext3.  I want it to be formatted XFS, but the Fedora Core installer only had the option for ext3.  I then looked after the install, and the provided tool for disk management also only has the ext3 option.  What do I do to take my /media/audio (ext3) HD and make it /media/audio (XFS)?  I can see on boot that the OS is loading XFS support, but I dont know how to set the HD up to use it.
3) I used to use demudi, and with that OS we had gnome and we also had fluxbox.  I like to have something like that to use, but I cant find it in the CCRMA repositories.  I do see that we have metacity and xfce, but I cannot figure out how to enable them on the sessions menu when I boot up.  I installed xfce myself, but metacity was installed by default, there just is no option to acctually use it.  How do I enable this desktop manager so that I can use it in addition to gnome on my system?  Does anyone here use a "low resource" desktop like fluxbox, if so which one(s)?
Thanks to all in advance

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