[PlanetCCRMA] dual monitor problems persiting

Benjamin Hardy drycellbattery at yahoo.ca
Sat Nov 5 13:48:01 PST 2005

I'm curious as to what fixed your problem. Did you switch drivers from 
radeon to ati? Did you add any options to the radeon driver to enable 
dual monitor support? I've switched from FC4 to Demudi, and I recently 
updated the xserver to xorg using the radeon driver. I would like to 
setup a dual monitors some day in the future, and would like to avoid 
the problems you encountered. Thanks.

7lb9oz Productions wrote:

>Hello all, I have the problem somewhat solved through
>a bit of trial and error.  I wanted to thank everyone
>for the advice that was given, and for all of the help
>offered.  I still do not have it exactly as I want it,
>but when I do I will post my results in case someone
>else runs into the same trouble.
>Thanks again
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