[PlanetCCRMA] latest nvidia drivers and ccrma kernel in FC4

pirrone pirrone at localnet.com
Sat Nov 5 10:29:01 PST 2005

Mark Knecht wrote:

>On 11/5/05, Hector Centeno-Garcia <h.centeno at sympatico.ca> wrote:
>>If you are using a Linux 2.6 kernel, please make sure
>>      you have configured kernel sources matching your kernel
>>      installed on your system.
>>My system seems to be up-to-date.
>>Thanks for your reply,
>Nothing but a guess on my part but did you change the /usr/sr/linux
>link to point at the new kernel source tree?
>- Mark

What Mark said, though I don't know how that source file gets installed 
since I haven't compiled a kernel myself in some time, but rather use 
the kernel-devel RPM to install the sources needed for this and other 

You will then find them (on my SMP system) under 
/lib/modules/2.6.13-0.3.rdt.rhfc4.ccrmasmp/source which is s symlink to 
/lib/modules/2.6.13-0.3.rdt.rhfc4.ccrmasmp/build which in turn is a 
symlink to the symlink /lib/modules/2.6.13-0.3.rdt.rhfc4.ccrmasmp 
pointing to /usr/src/kernels/2.6.13-0.3.rdt.rhfc4.ccrma-smp-i686 where 
the actual sources are located.

So, check those paths, created them if needed, or install the CCRMA 
kernel-devel RPM which will do all that I list above for you.

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