[PlanetCCRMA] Dual Monitors

7lb9oz Productions viipoundproductions at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 4 10:06:00 PST 2005

Hello again, I havent made any real headway in this
area, Mark asked if I was using the ati drivers, and I
did notice that this OS is using a "radeon" driver
instead of the "ati" that demudi used so I will
certainly try that.  

I am more sending this email to say that it is really
cool to me that the first 2 replies I get are from
Mark and Peter, as I went through an email tag
yesterday getting all of this prepared...and it was
you 2 guys who really REALLY helped ease my mind the
most.  I am very glad to see both of you here.

Thanks guys, I will try some more and let you all

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