[PlanetCCRMA] opensource audio software available on macos x?

Sam Williams sam at mbz.org
Sat May 28 18:23:01 PDT 2005

On Sat, 2005-05-28 at 11:43 -0700, mrgrimm at radioactivecatfish.com wrote:
> ahoy all.
>   been playing with a macos x on a powermax g5 at work, nice machine.. 
> just wondering if there was any effort ongoing to port opensource audio 
> apps to macos x?  i saw versions of hydrogen, ardour, and jack 
> available, but not much else...  also, they were not available in any 
> nice upgradable package like the planet,  just download and install... 
> even projects like find and darwinports looked lite on audio apps..
>   also, i was playing with garageband and was pretty impressed, 
> especially the looping features.. brought a few questions to mind for 
> the audio/planet experts:
> + has anyone used garageband or the upgrade (i think its called logix)?  
> any thoughts compared to rosegarden?
> + how is the mac in general for audio work?  i know its always been the 
> "pro" platform, but since ive only used cakewalk on windows and am now 
> just starting with rosegarden, i was looking for some experiences from 
> users...
>   ok, thanks as always to fernando and the planet people..
> wayne


The Power Mac G5 is a very nice machine with dual 64 bit processors and
Mac OS X is an easy to use GUI on top of Free BSD.  Don't know that much
but believe there is a Tools folder on the CDs that includes compilers,
other tools that might allow you to compile and install open source
programs.  Some day hope to get a chance to test that belief.  Let us
know how you make out.

Also, my thanks to Fernando rest of the Planet for their efforts for the
rest of us who use Fedora.



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