[PlanetCCRMA] alsa 1.0.9 and upcoming FC4 epoch trap

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
Fri May 27 10:37:01 PDT 2005


alsa 1.0.9 was just released, and rawhide (upcoming FC4) currently
carries some 1.0.9rcX bits.

Unfortunately the rcX packaging at Red Hat has been done in a way that
1.0.9 will always be rpm-older than the rcX packages. This may require
an epoch bump in all alsa packages hosted at Red Hat, and thus all 3rd
party repos will be required to do the same :(

Just a heads-up for upcoming FC4 support, see also


Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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