[PlanetCCRMA] M-Audio Delta 1010LT S/PDIF Sample Rate

Rick Sutphin sutphinc at bellsouth.net
Tue May 24 19:02:00 PDT 2005

patrick wrote:

>Rick Sutphin wrote:
>>I have a Delta 1010LT connected to a Behringer DDX3216. The Delta 1010LT
>>has a S/PDIF output sample rate of 8kHz to 100kHz. While the DDX3216 can
>>handle an S/PDIF input sample rate of between 32kHz and 50kHz.
>>I have been unable to get the S/PDIF output working, and I suspect that
>>the problem is that the output sample rate of the 1010LT is out of range
>>for the DDX3216.
>>I was hoping someone on the list can help me out with the following:
>>1. does anyone know what the S/PDIF Out sample rate is for  the Delta
>>2. can anyone tell me how I can set the S/PDIF Out sample rate?
>>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu
>hi rick, are you using envy24control? part of alsa-tools. really useful
>for setting up sp/dif.

I am using envy24control. I have played with all of the S/PDIF settings 
and still cannot get S/PDIF Out working with my mixing board, though I 
am able to get S/PDIF out working with a SoundBlaster Live in my other 
Fedora Core 3 box.


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