[PlanetCCRMA] WinTV PVR-150 on planetCCRMA system

Luc Tanguay lucus at sympatico.ca
Sun May 22 17:30:02 PDT 2005

To those interested,

I was able to use the WinTV PVR-150 after some hours of work.

1- My system was running with planet CCRMA kernel 
2.4.24-1.ll.rh90.ccrma.  I updated to 2.4.26-1.ll.rh90.ccrma (but I 
don't think it was necessary for the PVR-150 stuff).

2- Get  ivtv-0.2.0-rc3j (PVR-150 code from 0.3.x version backported for 
2.4.x kernels)
3-  Before compiling, fix for unresolved symbols as described in

4- Before compiling, fix Makefile2.4  (Option 2 in IVTV FAQ "Q. How do I 
compile the driver?")
5- Compile and install the drivers, and 'depmod -ae' to confirm no 
unresolved symbols.
6- Get the firmware  (they will be loaded automagically by the driver 
+ URL: http://ivtv.writeme.ch/tiki-index.php?page=FirmwareVersions
+ File: pvr48wdm_1.8.22037.exe (copied to /tmp)
+ cd utils
+ ./ivtvfwextract.pl /tmp/pvr48wdm_1.8.22037.exe

7- Configure /etc/modules.conf (found instructions in ivtv-devel mail list)
 (Tuner on this card is a TCL200N_5H.  It seems to be wrongly 
auto-detected by the tumer module in ivtv-0.2.0.  But in driver/tune.h, 
identifier for TUNER_TCL_2002N is 50)
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
options ivtv tuner=50
options tuner type=50

8- Load the modules
# modprobe ivtv

Et voilà!

To test it, I connected a VCR in the tuner connector, loaded a tape, 
press play, and on my PC, I did:
cat /dev/video0 >test.mpg

Then I used the command  gmplayer test.mpg to see the results.

I have yet to find a simple TV application that understand the tuner.
I was able to connect my video camera to the composite input and line in 
and record it.  Use ivtvctl -p2 to select Composite input.  Use ivtvctl 
-q1 to select Line In.  Sound is not perfect since I hear the audio from 
the tuner at the same time.  Still more work to understand all this.


Luc Tanguay a écrit :

> Fernando,
> [I started this thread in the wrong mailing list. sorry about this]
> after more research, I found out that WinTV PVR-150 is based on iTVC16 
> (CX23416-12) codecs.  The driver to support these cards is 'ivtv' and 
> there is no such driver in the RedHat9/planetCCRMA kernel.
> I think I need to compile the ivtv driver.
> I'm upgrading to kernel 2.4.26 and after that I'll try to recompile 
> the ivtv module.  Is it the best way to get the card working? Is FC2 
> or else better?
> Luc

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