[PlanetCCRMA] Jackd, Too many Active Servers;

Mirco Scaramucci mircobeaker at gawab.com
Tue May 17 04:54:03 PDT 2005

Hello everybody.
I am a first timer on this list therefore I don't know much about 
PlanetCCRMA issues.
But I HAVE BEEN experiencing problems starting the jackserver most of 
the times I decided to download the PlanetCCRMA packages.
My aim is to be able to play MidiFiles coming from different sources 
such as vanbasco's website and be able to mute certain tracks, change 
tempo and key.
Unfortunately I have been really badly conditioned by the vanbasco 
player and the Cakewalk/Sonar/qbasis world while using windows.
I have followed all instructions I could find on the PlanetCCRMA website 
on how to start/tune and all that but even when I managed to get the 
jack server to start with no problems, I could not get any playback. 
(rosegarden, muse and all that)
I am using fedora core 3 with Kernel .2.6.11-1.14-FC3smp on a pentium 4 
2.6Ghz 678Mb, and my sound card is a philips Dynamic edge 4.1 which uses 
the C-Media CMI8738 driver.
I do not posses any external midi/audio interfaces at the moment.
All I am trying to achieve is PLAYBACK/EDITING of midi/karaoke files  in 
order to suite my performances as a singer.
Everytime I have been trying to start the jack server, either through 
the QJACKCTL  interface or the jackd command at console level, I have 
not been able to connect server or the output of my console commands 
were as follows:

[mirco at localhost ~]$ jackd -d alsa -d hw:0
jackd 0.99.36
Copyright 2001-2003 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
too many servers already active
[mirco at localhost ~]$

Extra output was genberated by QJACKCTL that stated: PATCHBAY DEACTIVATED.


Thank you very  much

Mirco Scaramucci

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