[PlanetCCRMA] cdrtools/xcdroast-FC3+Planet: Audio CD write problems

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Mon May 16 12:29:01 PDT 2005

On Tue, 17 May 2005 01:53:17 +0700, Gregory McCourt  
<greg.mccourt at englishfirst.com> wrote:

> Tried k3b---didn't work. k3b sees my Phillips SCSI CD burner as the read  
> device and doesn't see any CDR devices. I have a standard Toshiba CDROM  
> as a read device, the Phillips should be the write device. I could not  
> find where to make these settings.
> I don't understand kde---nor gnome---nor do I wish to depend on this  
> sort, but need to burn audio CD's.
> Sorry for sharing my frustration. Anyone with a CLI solution? Work  
> unfinished, but I must sleep...

i assume you have cdrdao on your system.... isn't it the backend which  
most of these gui's use? my system is gentoo, at the moment, and i just  
use "cdrdao write --eject --device /dev/cdrom toc-file" to write audio  
cd's -- tastes great, less filling, etc. etc.    :-)

see the cdrdao man page for lots of info about other options as well as  
the syntax for your toc files.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Gregory McCourt" <greg.mccourt at englishfirst.com>
> To: nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 01:12:36 +0700
> Subject: Re: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] cdrtools/xcdroast-FC3+Planet: Audio CD  
> write problems
> Thanks for the quick response. It's 01:25 here in Indonesia, but I guess  
> it's office hours for most of you in the west.
> I've never used any kde programs (use X as little as possible). I'm  
> still much more of a CLI user, unless X is better or needed  
> (graphics/plotting). Please keep the shell/CLI working in Planet; I  
> would hate a dist that only works X.
> I'm going to give the k3b program a try now.
> Post in progress....
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hmm... apt-get install for both cdrtools++ and cdroast reports that I'm  
> using the newest version, so... ...back to base one and my original post.
> I tried to remove the programs to try a fresh install, but rpm reports  
> lots of dependancies. I don't know what I will be breaking at this point.
> ...so, back to base one and my original post.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Greg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU>
> To: Gregory McCourt <greg.mccourt at englishfirst.com>
> Date: 16 May 2005 10:57:32 -0700
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] cdrtools/xcdroast-FC3+Planet: Audio CD write  
> problems
> On Mon, 2005-05-16 at 10:25, Gregory McCourt wrote:
>> What am I missing here? cdrtools and XCDRoast always worked for me  
>> before,
>> but since I've migrated to FC3+CCRMA Planet, they refuse to write  
>> anything
>> but data CD's. I suspect this is RH/FC's typical malfunction by design  
>> --
>> like with video formats (btw, I still can't get them working either,  
>> care less)
>> -- to avoid potential legal problems.
> Have you tried k3b? I think that's the default cd burner program that
> comes with fc3. I just tested it and it seems to work for audio cds as
> well as data.
> -- Fernando
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