[PlanetCCRMA] The Ancient OSS chase

mickael.canton mickael.canton at laposte.net
Fri May 13 11:09:02 PDT 2005

 i'm a just-from-yesterday-(almost)-user of planetccrma kernel 
2.4.24-1.11.rh73.ccrma. Could you help me to find which is my old OSS to 
be deleted ?  
The '# /sbin/lsmod'   returned the following:   
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted 
parport_pc             17540   1  (autoclean) 
lp                      8544   0  (autoclean) 
parport                34208   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp] 
snd                    44544   0  (autoclean) 
sr_mod                 16408   0  (autoclean) 
cs46xx                 59464   0  (autoclean) 
ac97_codec             15424   0  (autoclean) [cs46xx] 
soundcore               6436   3  (autoclean) [snd cs46xx] 
binfmt_misc             7364   1  
autofs                 11620   0  (autoclean) (unused) 
ipchains               52424   9  
ide-scsi               11008   0  
scsi_mod              108644   2  [sr_mod ide-scsi] 
ide-cd                 32544   0  
cdrom                  32384   0  [sr_mod ide-cd] 
printer                 8224   0  
scanner                11648   0  (unused) 
CDCEther               13088   1  
acm                     6944   0  (unused) 
usb-uhci               25732   0  (unused) 
usbcore                75136   1  [printer scanner CDCEther acm 
ext3                   68864   2  
jbd                    49100   2  [ext3] 
  thanks for your attention, get prepared for my future question about 
rosegarden, (by the way, is it the convenient way to ask for help on 
this list ? Hope i'm not bothering someone...) 

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