[PlanetCCRMA] which to use - RH9 or FC?

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Wed May 11 00:22:01 PDT 2005

Josh Lawrence <hardbop200 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello list!
> My first post to the group:

Nice to hear from you.

About your question.  We run machines with RH9 FC1 and FC3 here, all with some or all of the planet's software on them.

This is my feeling about it all, having to think about what I'm putting on the next machine we build here.

Redhat 9 is very stable, but is a bit old as far as libs go if you want to try to build the lastest audio software before Fernando can get to it.  I also fear that it's getting toward the end of it's life.  Once installed there are few updates to download, just security updates and apts from the planet you may want to upgrade or install.

I've been putting FC3 on new machines for a while and have been getting real good results with Fernando's kernels.  There is one thing that has really bothered me to no end;  all of those updates for fedora core three that have happened in the last few months.  It's nice to have updated machines, but it seems like there's been gigabytes of patches(and some of them will break your setup).


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