[PlanetCCRMA] Re: gmplayer error

Barton Bosch bartonbosch at hotpop.com
Tue May 10 08:32:01 PDT 2005

Shayne O'Connor wrote:
> Dirk Ouellette wrote:
>>>  1. Re: gmplayer error 


>>How do I do that?
> open gmplayer, right-click on the video window, select "preferences",
> select "video" tab, then choose a video driver (mine works fine with
> x11). then, restart gmplayer and you should be fine ... if not, try
> different drivers until it does work ... other than that, your problem
> could lie elsewhere....

That will probably let you watch video for the short term.  For the 
long term I'd suggest that you read the mplayer manual page and html 
docs through once or twice and then experiment with running mplayer 
from the command line rather than the graphical interface.


[Jürgen Tautz] has a penchant for telling how dark-colored forest 
honey is made. It's nothing but aphid urine licked up and 
regurgitated by bees, then packed into jars and sent to supermarket 
shelves.  [Heh heh, too much information?]

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