[PlanetCCRMA] Realtime sound effects?

Jean-Eric Cuendet jec at rptec.ch
Mon May 9 09:58:02 PDT 2005

I'm looking for a soft (graphic or cmdline) that will put effects in 
*realtime* on coming sound and output it directly to the speaker.
By effects I mean, echo, reverb, frequency modulation, filtering, ...


  ------   ------   ---------
| Mic  |-| Echo |-| Speaker |
  ------   ------   ---------

Is there something available?

Jean-Eric Cuendet
Riskpro Technologies SA
Av du 14 avril 1b, 1020 Renens Switzerland
Principal: +41 21 637 0110  Fax: +41 21 637 01 11
Direct: +41 21 637 0123
E-mail: jean-eric.cuendet at rptec.ch

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