[PlanetCCRMA] selfmade ringingtones

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Sat May 7 06:55:02 PDT 2005

It would largely depend on the type of phone which type of ringtone it
will take.  Most modern phones take MIDI files (type 0) without problems.

Older phones need dedicated file formats which requires dedicated software,
which I doubt is available on Linux.  I used the Yamaha software at one
point (which is Windows-only).

jan hendrik brueggemeier wrote:
> hi there,
> i am preparing a series of workshop for kids for diy-media-production and it
> would be great fun to get them on producing their own ringingtones for their
> cellular-phones (it would really help them saving their pocket money ..).
> unfortunately i have never made one ringingtone myself and i wonder if
> anybody here has experience with making ringingtones on linux and knows
> useful software for that task and would like to share her or his knowledge
> with me?

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