[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [Alsa-user] Audio interface compatibility

Turkay Guner turkayguner at gmail.com
Wed May 4 07:26:00 PDT 2005

Woaw the news are really good, i'll be really excited when i start to record 
with my FW Solo with all of its capacity. Now waiting for that day. Thanks 
for all the developers if they read this thread...

On 5/3/05, Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03 May 2005 11:30:27 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
> <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 09:00, Mark Knecht wrote:
> > > No - that means it's on the list. My card wason the list for a year at
> > > least before it worked well enough for me to use every day.
> > >
> > > that said you need to check out the FreeBob project. This is the only
> > > program I know of for supporting Firewire devices under Alsa. Check
> > > out their compatibility before you do anythign requiring money.
> >
> > I saw a demo of their linux drivers in the LAC2005 conference and it was
> > working... but not completely. They did play soundfiles from a pc to a
> > freebob compatible interface (and they were showing several of them at
> > the conference). Anyway, if I understood correctly they are about 2 - 3
> > months away from releasing a truly working version of the drivers. Very
> > good news, I think.
> >
> > -- Fernando
> >
> Yeah, I hear on the FreeBob list that it's getting better. I think
> audio at 44K & 48K is in pretty good shape actually. There are still a
> great number of things to work on before it becomes really useful:
> 1) MIDI - there's a hack that allows some MIDI now. That's cool.
> 2) There is no configuration app like hdspconf for the HDSP line so
> you cannot change clock sources or anything like that.
> 3) No hardware monitoring. (Does this work for anyone? I'm not sure...)
> None the less it's a good accomplishment ot get this far. They are
> nicely tied in with the right 1394 developers so that's pretty cool.
> I'm excited to look at this again in a few months.
> - Mark
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