[PlanetCCRMA] Qt 3.3.3 installed over Qt 3.1 breaks compilation of Hydrogen

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue May 3 11:24:00 PDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 08:42, Matt Walker wrote:
> Is there a reason why Qt 3.3.3 exists separately in the apt-get database from 
> Qt  3.1? (I added my apt-enabled Fedora cd-roms) When you install 3.3.3 (you 
> can't uninstall Qt 3.1 without removing all sorts of gnome-config applets -- 
> whaaaa?), it doesn't update the softlink
>         /usr/bin/qtconfig -> /usr/lib/qt-3.1/bin/qtconfig
> and leaves 3.1 ahead of 3.3.3 in ld.so.conf. One or both of these will break 
> the compilation of Hydrogen 0.9.1 and 0.9.2beta1. I haven't tried compiling 
> any other Qt/KDE apps.

qt3.3.3 as packaged in the Planet CCRMA repository is not intended to
replace the original qt 3.1. The package was created so that other
packages that needed qt >= 3.3 could be built and installed. If you need
to build newer versions of Hydrogen _and_ they need the newer qt you
will need to point them specifically to the qt3.3.3 directories and
runtime libraries, otherwise just use the default qt 3.1... 

-- Fernando

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