[PlanetCCRMA] compatibility question

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue May 3 11:20:03 PDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 20:00, pirrone wrote:
> One last question in the vein of my previous posting:  Is anyone using 
> FC3 apps from the Planet with Fedora Core 4 Test 2?  My new computer 
> arrived and I'm about to begin configuring it for Linux and want to make 
> the best choice based on several considerations - one of which is CCRMA 
> useage.
> I would expect backward compatibility to be a real problem, and would 
> not try to use FC3 apps on FC2 or FC1, but am not sure what to expect 
> with forward compatibility using FC3 apps on FC4.  I don't think much 
> would have changed in audio support and don't think the compiler and 
> library updates are automatic show-stoppers.  What say?

Well, you can try them. Whether things will be able to even be installed
depends on potential conflicts in library versions (ie: a library in
fc4tx has a different version than the one in fc3 so that it is not
backwards compatible). 

Any reason you want to install fc4tx instead of just fc3?
-- Fernando

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