[PlanetCCRMA] [PlanetCCRMA]

gmunu at free.fr gmunu at free.fr
Thu Mar 31 12:11:00 PST 2005

since the last update,
I have a problem with the init.d scripts alsasoud:

$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound restart
Shutting down sound driver                                 [  OK  ]
Starting sound driver snd-intel8x0                         [  OK  ]
Starting sound driver snd-usb-audio                        [  OK  ]
Starting sound driver snd-intel8x0                         [  OK  ]
Starting sequencer                                         [  OK  ]
Restoring sound driver settings /usr/sbin/alsactl: load_state:1272: No
soundcards found...

And I not some strage comportment with the volume control of gnome.
Soes somebody have an idea of what is going wrong?

Thank you,


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