[PlanetCCRMA] Pulling USB cable on FC2 machine causes keyboard and network to crash...

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Mar 31 10:36:00 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 10:30, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>    In the process of cleaning the house this morning my wife pulled
> the USB cable going to an external USB to Optical device we use. I had
> assumed  that this would be OK to do. After that the keyboard was
> dead. I couldn't get to the machine through the network so apparently
> ndiswrapper got harmed also. Hotplugging the keyboard itself didn't
> help. Since the power switch does a reasonable shutdown operation we
> rebooted and everything is up and running again.
>    Has anyone else seen this? The USB device is card 1. The onboard
> sound chip is card 0.
>    I haven't tried repeating as of yet.

I think I've read of similar things happening (don't remember on which
list). Most probably a kernel bug. 

-- Fernando

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