[PlanetCCRMA] Need Assistance: How do I save the settings for Tuning the Hard Disks?

Cassandra Cooper Cassandra.Cooper at ers.state.tx.us
Mon Mar 28 14:40:01 PST 2005

I am following the instructions for "Tuning the System" on planetccrma site.  I want to save these settings: 
/sbin/hdparm -c 3 -d 1 -m 16 -A1 /dev/hda.  
The instructions state: "Once you are satisfied with the optimization you have selected you can change the /etc/sysconfig/harddisks configuration file to put your selected options there so they are activated automatically when you boot the computer".  However, there is no directory '/sysconfig' with 'harddisks' inside.  
The same is true for the CDrom drive.
I am running Fedora Core 2, How can I store these settings to optimize my drives?  
Thanks in advance for any help.
Cassandra Cooper,
Web Systems Administrator
ERS of Texas
Office:  512.867.7280
Email:  cassandra.cooper at ers.state.tx.us
Email Pager: cassandra.cooper at my2way.com
Phone Pager:  512.625.4523

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