[PlanetCCRMA] latest kernel rocks

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Sun Mar 27 03:17:01 PST 2005

On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 18:53:39 +0100
jonathan segel <jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com> wrote:

> after just doing a few shows last week still using fc1 (2.4.26) on my 
> laptop, i updated the fc3 partition to the new 2.6.11 kernel and it 
> finally works for me (sharp mv12w laptop). previous fc3 kernels were 
> still having audio glitches and xruns, (and a couple system freezes!) 
> this one seems to go and go. i may have done my last in fc1.  i set up 
> a few endless things and set them in motion 
> (supercollider->zyn->freaktweak->supercollider->superlooper etc) and 
> let them go on and on for twelve or more hours, including screen savers 
> and ZERO xruns. really cool.
> i've been looking forward to switching everthing over to fc3, i 
> generally like it a lot better, the more modern desktops and network 
> interaction and such.
> thanks fernando! you are amazing.

I agree, this one rocks,

I'm currently playing an ogg at 1.45msec latency, while writing this.

I have the World of Warcraft game running in a window under wine and the nvidia drivers at the same time.  I can move the window with the game(doing animations and all) around the screen with no xruns in jack.

Thanks Fernando :)

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