[PlanetCCRMA] Rosegarden DSSI Problems

Jamie Bullock jamie at postlude.co.uk
Mon Mar 21 00:27:01 PST 2005

Yes, I have the same set up, and rosegarden dssi worked with no
additional tweaking. Have you tried running Rosegarden from the command
line; it usually gives useful debugging output if something doesn't


On Sun, 2005-03-20 at 22:42 -0800, Steve Haynal wrote:
> I upgraded to CCRMA's rosegarden4_1.0-1.rhfc3.ccrma_i386.rpm and now 
> DSSI soft synths no longer work. When I start a DSSI soft synth in 
> rosegarden (trivial_synth, less_trivial_synth, dssi-vst) everything 
> appears the same as with the older version of rosegarden (guis appear, 
> same messages on console, no errors) but the soft synth does not seem to 
> receive midi data nor produce audio, even when I force it to via the 
> gui. All the connections in jack look good. I'm running FC3. I've 
> switched back to rosegarden4_0.9.91-1.rhfc3.ccrma_i386.rpm and 
> everything is fine again. Has anyone experienced (and solved) this 
> problem? Has anyone used the latest rosegarden with DSSI soft synths 
> successfully?
> Thanks,
> Steve Haynal
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