[PlanetCCRMA] apt-get update failure

jim branagan ccrma at themusenashville.com
Fri Mar 18 17:23:01 PST 2005

I finally got FC3 up on one of my machines in a useable state (it still 
crashes when I try to shut down).  Now I'm trying to bring it up to 
date, and install the PlanetCCRMA stuff.  But for 4 days now, 'apt-get 
update' has been consistently failing in the same way:

First I get,
 >    [root at fx1 ~]# apt-get update
 >    Get:1 http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386 release [1422B]
 >    Fetched 1422B in 0s (2284B/s)
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core pkglist
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core release
 >    99% [Waiting for headers]    

then the last line is replaced with an error:
 >    [root at fx1 ~]# apt-get update
 >    Get:1 http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386 release [1422B]
 >    Fetched 1422B in 0s (2284B/s)
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core pkglist
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core release
 >    Err http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/updates pkglist
 >      Connection failed
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/updates release
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetccrma pkglist
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetccrma release
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetcore pkglist
 >    Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetcore release
 >    Failed to fetch  
Connection failed

If I try to download this file directly with mozilla, I seem to get the 
entire file successfully, but I'm not sure what to do to install it 
manually (or if I even can install it manually).

Any hints?
My current system on this machine is straight from the FC3 iso's, with 
the 'install everything' option, with only the minimal changes in the 
PlanetCCRMA/FC3 instructions prior to 'apt-get update'.

e. james branagan
the MUSE § Nashville, TN

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