[PlanetCCRMA] grep having problems

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Thu Mar 10 22:55:03 PST 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 17:04, Mark Knecht wrote:
>>[mark at Godzilla mark]$ cat .bash_history | grep ssh
>>Binary file (standard input) matches
>>[mark at Godzilla mark]$
> Strange, I tried the same thing (in fc3) and for some reason
> .bash_history is being recognized as a binary file (instead of text).

On my fully up to date Planet FC3:

[louis at babylero ~]$ file .bash_history
.bash_history: ASCII text
[louis at babylero ~]$ grep ssh .bash_history |head -2
ssh fs
ssh ws

Just to let you know that not all FC3s are affected...
It might just be something in your history that make it assume it
is a binary file, like accented letters.


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