[PlanetCCRMA] Video Card Recommendations

mrgrimm at radioactivecatfish.com mrgrimm at radioactivecatfish.com
Thu Mar 10 21:17:01 PST 2005

hey vince,

  im no expert, but i would get something that has open source 
drivers... i have a nvidia based card and its a pain to get working with 
the planet... each kernel update breaks the driver.. i would look around 
and maybe get something that has a good open source driver with xvideo 
support (maybe someone can let him know if any matrox cards are ok?) ... 
sorry i cant be more specific, i dont know enough ;)

latro, wayne

Vince O'Connor wrote:

>New to the list, but like CCRMA already. I have it running on RH FC3 w/ the Low Latency kernel.
>I would like to use this box to pump out a video feed to the equivalent of a public access TV channel and would like to see if anyone has any recommendations as to which cards they are using for this (if anyone has this type of setup) or anyone has a good idea of what might work well for this application.

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