[PlanetCCRMA] Problems with a quite complicated audio system

Michele Spinolo michele.spinolo at tin.it
Sat Jun 25 03:35:01 PDT 2005

Hi Mark,

thank you again for your reply!
Obviously I already tested the chain bypassing the Z-sys unit, and
everything works fine without it: the problem is I really need ASRC!
I am starting to think the problem is releated to some trouble on Z-sys
clock, which is obtained from 1 of its ADAT inputs.

The final solution would be buying a RME ADI-192 DD
(http://www.rme-audio.com/english/adi/adi192dd.htm) but at the moment is too
expansive for me.
I contacted Z-sys and they are performing some internal test: I hope they
will be able to solve the problem!


OK, this is still bothering me. I suspect that while the Zsys can do
ASRC I'm suspecting that it may be what's causing you trouble.

You may or may not be able to set this up, but if I were you and was
trying to get to the bottom of this I would do this:

1) Hook the SACD outputs into the spdif input of the HDSP 9652.
2) Set the HDSP 9652 to sync to the spdif input.
3) Verify from hdspconf that it is indeed synced.
4) Set the ADI-8 Pro so sync with the HDSP 9652. Either sync over ADAT
or use the WC output from the HDSP 9652.
5) Listen and see how it works.

If the sound is good then I suspect that the Zsys, while indeed
possibly doing ASRC, is the root cause of the problem.

Good luck,

> >> >   It sounds as if you have 3 spdif OUTPUTs from the SACD player
> >> >giving you 6 audio channels. However I don't see a spdif input so I
> do
> >> >not understand how the player is getting sync'ed to your ADI-8 Pro.
> >> >
> >>
> >> ADI-8 Pro is synched to the Z-sys unit, which rebuilds the clock
> >> so everything should be synched.
> >> To be more clear the Z-Sys unit is used just as a s/pdif to ADAT
> >> plus ASRC.
> >
> >And I'm hoping that the 'A' in ASRC isn't what's hurting you. If the
> >SACD player's clock was slightly slower than the ADI-Pro's clock then
> >it seems to me that your buffers may run dry and possibly the Zsys
> >could be trying to fill in data or something. Anyway, I guess I don't
> >have much to add other than getting everything truly synch'ed would be
> >good.
> >
> I hope this is not the problem: the ASRC function in Z-sys is built to
> synching of unsynched s/pdif inputs (i.e. you can have 3 totally different
> s/pdif sample rate inputs), so it should work.
> I e-mailed to z-sys in order to have some clarifications.
> >>
> >> >   I would think that in this case, if you want to play a CD from this
> >> >unit and have the sound be correct you need to tell the HDSP 9652 to
> >> >sync to the Zsys and you need to tell the Zsys to sync to the SACD
> >> >player. The SACD player will be the master and everything should be
> in
> >> >sync.
> >>
> >> The Z-Sys does not have an internal clock, but it must be provided on
> one
> >> of its ADAT inputs: this could be done synching ADI-8 Pro to HDSP9652
> by
> >> wordclock, for example, and using ADI-8 Pro ADAT output to sync the
> >> unit.
> >
> >I guess is cannot take a clock from a spdif input?
> you are right!
> Thanks!
> Michele

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