[PlanetCCRMA] Is it time to upgrade yet?

Andrew djazz at myrealbox.com
Wed Jun 22 01:25:02 PDT 2005

I recently upgraded my machine from FC2 - FC3 just by changing the apt
repositories and then doing an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.

I have done the same process to keep my machine updated all the way from
RH8 - I have never reinstalled my machine from scratch.  The FC3 update
was really easy and shows how the packaging of fedora has matured.  I
can't think of a music advantage FC3 gave me.  It did give me a small
problem as I adjusted to udev and made sure all the appropriate modules
were loaded.


Nathaniel Virgo wrote:

> Hi,
> I am still running PlanetCCRMA with Fedora Core 1.  Would there be any 
> advantage in upgrading to FC2 or FC3, and what is the easiest way of 
> going about it?  (I foolishly have everything in one big / partition)
> One reason to upgrade that I can see is that other repositories seem 
> not to be supporting FC1 so much any more, so if it's relatively 
> hassle-free I'd quite like to do it anyway.
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