[PlanetCCRMA] Aboust to install PlanetCCRMA

Mario Torre mppr_kris at tiscali.it
Fri Jun 17 13:13:02 PDT 2005

Aengus Martin wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hi have a laptop happily running Planet CCRMA FC3, and I'm about to
> install it on my desktop as well. My question is: Since FC4 will be
> ready soon, am I better off waiting the extra time (a few weeks?) and
> doing a fresh install of that? or is upgrading usually a fairly smooth
> process?
> thanks,
> Aengus.


Usually upgrade are "enough" smooth... but this time the compiler is 
changed, and it seem to break compatibility with some programs. I think 
you should wait if you want to use fc4... You could install fc4 in the 
meantime and wait for Planet CCRMA, this is exactly what I'm doing.


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