[PlanetCCRMA] Building lilypond on RHEL4

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jun 16 14:56:02 PDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 09:14, Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale wrote:
> I am currently rebuilding the whole planet under CentOS 4 (aka
> RHEL4). Most packages build out of the box or with only minor changes
> (mostly making the spec files behave the same as under FC3 and adding
> a few missing packages), but I cannot get lilypond to build. Here is
> the error I get:
> Assembling raw font to `feta13.pfa'...
> Copyright © 2000-2002 by George Williams.
>  Executable based on sources from 16:56 22-6-2002.
> error: pfaedit: command exited with value 11
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/mftrace", line 1275, in ?
>     make_outputs (basename, formats)
>   File "/usr/bin/mftrace", line 843, in make_outputs
>     system ("%s -script to-ttf.pe %s %s" % (ff_command,
>   File "/usr/bin/mftrace", line 240, in system
>     error (msg)
>   File "/usr/bin/mftrace", line 132, in error
>     raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
> Exiting ...
> make[1]: *** [out/feta13.pfa] Error 1
> I really don't know much about the fonts used in teTeX and lilypond,
> so I don't know how to fix it. At the moment, I am rebuilding the
> package with pre-built fonts (see
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.4/Documentation/topdocs/out-www/INSTALL.html#TOC9),
> but I would like to build everything from source. Has anyone here got
> a hint how to do it?

I just set up a build root in my new build server with centos 4 just to
test this and managed to build lilypond (and its dependencies). I'm not
sure what may be wrong but the error looks suspiciously familiar
(meaning I hit it at some point in the past), but I don't remember when.
I'll send you the spec files I just used off the list. 

-- Fernando

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