[PlanetCCRMA] Fixing an old recording
Jan Depner
eviltwin69 at cableone.net
Fri Jul 29 18:43:00 PDT 2005
On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 19:23, Bill Bain wrote:
> Chaz wrote:
> >I recorded an small low-budget cd in a small local
> >studio a few years
> >ago. Although I loved the end result, the cd itself
> >never had the
> >loudness that a regular cd had.
> If "loudness" is simply volume, then rip the .wav
> files off the CD, and use Audacity to normalize them.
> You can set it to normalize to as close to 0 db as
> possible and you'll have more volume. I usually
> normalize to -3 db to give a little headroom but I've
> seen folks take it much closer to 0. Them write the
> edited .wav files back to a CD. I've not been able to
> get Audacity running on my Linux box yet, but the
> Windoze version of Audacity does this function quie
> easily so I suspect that the linux version is
> similarly easy to use. Latency wouldn't be an issue,
> so I'm not clear on why jack would be needed at all,
> but I'm a newbie at the linux music world,
No. Do not use Audacity to "normalize" them. In addition, don't
use normalize to normalize them. Use JAMin to master them. In which
case you need JACK. Normalization is nothing more than maximizing the
hottest signal. JAMin will allow you to use multi-band compression and
lookahead limiter to boost the entire track to the level you want.
> If "loudness" is really "loudness", that's a different
> issue - the "loudness" button on the stereo is
> actually, I believe, a bass and treble boost amd you'd
> hve to use EQ to edit the .wav files to boost specific
> frequencies.
As far as EQ is concerned, JAMin has a 1024 band, hand-drawn or 31
band "graphic" EQ to boost the desired frequency ranges.
Jan "Evil Twin" Depner
The Fuzzy Dice
"As we enjoy great advantages from the invention of others, we should be
glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this
we should do freely and generously."
Benjamin Franklin, on declining patents offered by the governor of
Pennsylvania for his "Pennsylvania Fireplace", c. 1744
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