[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-user] audacity and jack

Brad Fuller brad at sonaural.com
Fri Jul 29 09:17:00 PDT 2005

Emmanuel Serie wrote:

> Serie wrote:
>> Serie a écrit :
>> I found how to apply...
>> patch -b pa_jack.c pa_jack.c.diff
>> I'm trying to recompile it,
>> I will say you if it is better.
> It compiles, but there is no difference that I can see...
> What does this patch do?
see the thread that this message is in.

 From Chris:

portaudio/pa_jack/pa_jack.c has a nasty habit of freeing the 
don't-free-this return value from jack_port_by_name.

If this is true, you wouldn't hear anything different. Just that it 
doesn't free the jack port - which is a good thing.

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