[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [linux-audio-user] audacity and jack

Emmanuel Serié gmunu at free.fr
Thu Jul 28 02:03:02 PDT 2005

Le Mercredi 27 Juillet 2005 23:17, David Ford a écrit :

> See the Audacity wiki --
> http://audacityteam.org/wiki/index.pl?LinuxIssues -- it has details on
> how to make audacity work with alsa. (and maybe then jack as well)
> David

I have compile it as they say, using the latest portaudio-v19 and it works 
apparentlty perfectly!
Just, a client PortAudio-5121 appear when I do "play" in audacity, but it 
desappear when I do "stop". So I can't do a connection between audacity and 
other output client of jack than alsa_pcm...
So thanks a lot, I am very happy to be able to use audacity with jack!
Maybe could we make an rpm on PlanetCCRMA?

Now I have an other question:
Is it ossible to compile any audio application in that maner if we want that 
it become compatible with jack?
For exemple, could I recompile amarok (mp3 player) in this manner?

Best Regards,

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