[PlanetCCRMA] jack questions

Emmanuel Serié gmunu at free.fr
Wed Jul 27 00:22:01 PDT 2005

thanks for your reponse.
I installed the devel package and now it works for jack.udp.
It is quite easy to install.
You can find the source at:

To install it, you have do;
sh ./autogen.sh
make install

and after you can use the client jack.udp in send or recv mode...

A usefull application is also jack.plumbing that you can find on the same 

I think it could be quite simple to do a package.


Le Mardi 26 Juillet 2005 17:07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano a écrit :
> To compile applications against the jack libraries install
> jack-audio-connection-kit-devel:
>   apt-get install jack-audio-connection-kit-devel
> I'd be interested in adding jack.udp but I'm short on time these days.
> -- Fernando

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