[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #1352 - 4 msgs

Jonathan Segel jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com
Mon Jul 25 13:06:02 PDT 2005

On Jul 25, 2005, at 12:00 PM, planetccrma-request at ccrma.Stanford.EDU  
> jackd 0.100.1
> Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
> //

> JACK: unable to mlock() port buffers: Cannot allocate memory
> cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 20) [for thread
> -1227547728, from thread -1227547728] (1: Operation not permitted)
> cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 10) [for thread
> -1235940432, from thread -1235940432] (1: Operation not permitted)
> 02:59:27.244 Could not connect to JACK server as client

same deal here on fc4 machine. different thread numbers, etc.

login spews some PAM stuff, i assume it's loaded? i seem to be  
missing some items in the menus that exist in fc3, like the security  
setting gui...

Jonathan Segel                 4014 Brookdale Ave. Oakland, CA 94619
jsegel at magneticmotorworks.com <-----> magsatellite at yahoo.com

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