[PlanetCCRMA] no sound in rosengarden

Emmanuel Serié gmunu at free.fr
Sat Jul 23 03:37:01 PDT 2005

Le Vendredi 22 Juillet 2005 14:51, Mark Knecht a écrit :
> By no means is that true. Here's a short list fromquickly running down
> the list::
> Timidity++, FluidSynth, QSynth, LinuxSampler, QSampler, SimSam,
> Specimen, SpiralSynthModular, AlsaModularSynth, amSynth, aeolus,
> Hydrogen, gAlan, Gmorgan
> VSTs on a Planet machine is possible. I've done it, but it's a bit of
> work. See Dave Phillips info on the subject.
> Cheers,
> Mark

whaou, what a great list! 
I didns't have seen them in the CCRMA menu because I was searching in MIDI  
I will try all that!
For the VSTs i will see...


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