[PlanetCCRMA] found answer to kernel panic

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Jul 21 16:19:00 PDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 15:04, pirrone wrote:
> There appears to be a problem with 2.6.12x especially SMP kernels 
> aborting with a panic, and it seems to be related to the detection of 
> modules and creation of a correct initrd upon installation.  Upgrading 
> to the latest version of mkinitrd (and making sure your 
> /etc/modprobe.conf is correct) prior to installation, 

Which version of mkinitrd are you using, or had to use? I should add
this to the repository...

> or redoing the 
> initrd afterwards appears to solve it.
> Sorry for posting following my personal panic,

Hmmm, no, not at all, I had not time to answer and I was thinking this
may be a problem with the realtime preempt patches on smp...

> but I couldn't find the 
> answer in a fairly diligent google/linux search, but it's all over 
> Redhat/Bugzilla which I've not had a reason to visit until now.

Do you have a bugzilla bug number or an url to visit?
Glad you got it working....

-- Fernando

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