[PlanetCCRMA] no sound in rosengarden

Serie gmunu at free.fr
Wed Jul 20 12:24:01 PDT 2005

Ah ok, I didn't know it!
I will try to look how it is possible to do such a thing and maybe will 
ask some help if I don't find how to do that!

ps: There were an error in my first mail adress wich was not register to 
the mailing list. I have changed it to the good one!

Mark Knecht a écrit :

>Rosegarden is pure MIDI. You have to hook it to a synth to get sound.
>Good luck,
>On 7/20/05, Emmanuel Serié <e.serie at free.fr> wrote:
>>I have a problem using rosengarden.
>>I have imported a midi file. When I play it, the faders are moving but I don't
>>ear anything!
>>Does some one have an idea of what I can do.
>>I can precise that with other programs, like Hydrogen I have sound.
>>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu

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