[PlanetCCRMA] hdsp multiface silent startup

walescomputers fsmith at walescomputers.co.uk
Wed Jul 20 06:00:03 PDT 2005

Strange one for me with the hammerfall,
all channels  are up full all the time in Ardoour/jack.
I have to go through all the channells turning them down!

This shows up on my DDX as noise I get the first 2 light flickering on 
each channel.
I can't hear any noise myself.

I wonder if I'm getting noise from the desk itself, I'll investigate.


Mark Knecht wrote:

>   Nope. That one's been there forever, unfortunately.
>   Two others:
>1) Open hdspmixer while playing audio all audio is temporarily muted.
>This is VERY frustrating to me. I cannot open hdspmixer while
>recording or the recording is potentially messed up.
>2_ I cannot run MythTV on an HDSP 9652 machine as it doesn't respond
>to whatever it is MythTV is looking for, volume is always at 100%.
>- Mark
>On 7/20/05, Jamie Bullock <jamie at postlude.co.uk> wrote:
>>Did anyone ever get round that annoying 'feature' where the hdspmixer
>>app needs to be opened after every reboot in order to get sound?
>>Multiface w/PCMCIA - 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc3.ccrma.
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