[PlanetCCRMA] ardour and TAP Dynamics plug windows size problem

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jul 19 11:31:01 PDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-07-18 at 13:49, Hector Centeno wrote:
> Hector Centeno wrote:
> > When using the LADSPA filter TAP Dynamics in ardour I get a gigant 
> > window when I open the plug control panel. It is so big that there is 
> > no way to see the contents. How could I fix this?
> >
> Ok, I posted this one in the Ardour user list and the reply is that this 
> problem has been fixed in CVS. I agree that it could be good idea to 
> have a build of Ardour from CVS in the CCRMA edge repositories so anyone 
> interested can have it.

It is a balancing act. The "stable" release has known bugs, that's not
good. A CVS snapshot will have those fixed but maybe newer ones (and
depending on the snapshot date they could be worse than what was fixed,
or trivial ones that do not matter in most cases). 

I released a CVS snapshot of a recent ardour on fc4 because I did not
have another viable option given the time constraints I'm working with.
I could rebuild on fc3, for example, or put it on the edge, but I have
no way of knowing if this is a particularly known "good" snapshot...

-- Fernando

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