[PlanetCCRMA] kluppe needs gtk+ 2.6

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jul 19 09:29:01 PDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 05:20, bitwLister wrote:
> Hello,
>    I need to loop a few seconds of wav file into jack-rack / ladspa and I  
> found
> "kluppe" .. which in turn needs gtk >= 2.6  ...  Before I slip over the
> dependency event horizon, can anyone advise if it's ok to pull gtk+ 2.6
> into planet-edge - fc3 ?

Something as basic as gtk stands no chance to being upgraded, sorry.
There are too many dependencies to worry about (ie: too many programs
that would have to be rebuilt to run with the new gtk). Maybe the author
of the program would consider relaxing the dependency so that earlier
versions could be used. 

Have you looked at sooperlooper or fweelin? (I have not idea if they
would be useful in your case).

-- Fernando

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