[PlanetCCRMA] System slowing down with Ardour FC4/edge-kernel (softirq-tasklet)

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Jul 15 10:01:01 PDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 09:04, chromdildo wrote:
> update:
> "rtload" seems to be missing for FC4, my latest version is
> rtload-0.0.2-1.rhfc3.ccrma
> $$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/rtload status
> => "realtime module does not exist on this kernel [warning]"

The latest Planet CCRMA kernels use a different mechanism for realtime
access to non-root users. They don't have the kernel module so a warning
is printed but it is harmless (the capabilities needed are now part of
the standard kernel). 

I have read the thread but I still can't think of why this is happening.
Well, I have not had any time to think, to tell the truth :-)


The symptoms would seem to point to the video card as the culprit,
specially because X seems to be the cpu hog when running the "normal"
Fedora Core kernel. Could you try to use the non-accelerated standard
video card driver to see what happens? What driver are you currently

-- Fernando

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