[PlanetCCRMA] SuperCollider3 on FC4

Russell Johnston russell at sharpfour.net
Thu Jul 14 09:57:02 PDT 2005

A recent update to SuperCollider in CVS (the tiny change is at SC_LanguageClient.cpp:146) gives me a successful compile using gcc4 on Fedora Core 3, and the resulting build works well on my system.

I also tried building on Fedora Core 4 under the qemu emulator (I haven't upgraded my real machine to FC4 yet); the compile is fine there too, and sclang works.  I segfault on booting a server, but I suspect this is because I don't have the soundcard emulation working.  Can someone with a real FC4 system try building from CVS?  Then maybe nando can move SuperCollider into the FC4 planetccrma repository.

Thanks (esp to Fernando -- it's a great thing you're doing for all of us!),


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