[PlanetCCRMA] Re: 2.6.12-0.18.rdt.rhfc3.ccrma kernel doing ok

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Jul 13 15:49:02 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 15:26, jan hendrik brueggemeier wrote:
> sorry to ask, but i am running currently 2.6.12-1.1369_FC3 here.

That is the standard Fedora Core 3 kernel, not the Planet CCRMA kernel.

> thats what me 'apt-get install planetccrma-edge' gets,
> but i seem to miss the realtime-module. during booting it complains about
> missing module.

Two possibilities here, either planetccrma-core-edge is not installed,
or it is installed and you are just booting into the default kernel. To
see what kernels you actually have do:
  rpm -q kernel

When you boot, as soon as you get the grub screen press any of the arrow
keys (or maybe any key?) and highlight the kernel you want to boot, then
press <enter>

If you want to make the setup permanent (ie: always boot from a given
kernel), edit /boot/grub/grub.conf and change the index= line to point
to the index (zero based) of the kernel you want to boot from.

-- Fernando

> do i have to install it by hand or have to load it manually?
> everything looks fine and works. 
> jack does work without realtime-scheduling, but not with it. 
> what am i doing wrong?

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