[PlanetCCRMA] Is there a list of fc4 builds?

Lex Vanderwal lex at lexvanderwal.org
Tue Jul 12 08:58:01 PDT 2005

Excuse me for bothering you, but are there any plans to make OpenMusic 
and Nyquist part of the fc4 or fc3 release? I'm a very happy user of fc3 
with planet ccrma, but these are the things I miss most, and can't get 
to work myself unfortunately.

Kind regards,
Lex Vanderwal

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 04:56, Kenneth wrote:
>>    Is there somewhere on the website that it's possible to view a list 
>>of all that's ready for fc4? If not, I've seen in the recent mailing 
>>that ardour and now pd is ready, so all I need to know is, if swh and 
>>tap plugins work. Then I'm set for the upgrade :)
> This is probably what you are looking for:
>   http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/fc4buildstatus.html
> (that it was build does not necessarily mean that everything's working,
> of course :-)
>>    On a seperate note, I've recently aquired a second monitor, but 
>>trying to run a dual-head system of fc3 seems to be quite a problem. Has 
>>anyone tried this with fc4 yet? And if possible could you direct me to a 
>>guide on how to set it up. I've googled for an answer but all I've found 
>>was more confusing than helpful.
> Sorry, no experince with dual heads...
> -- Fernando
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